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Still alive

This homepage was updated till 1999. For newer information since 2000 go to:

Wolfgang F. Lightmaster www.lightmaster.de     www.lightmaster.de

Contemporary witness

I like to provide stories as contemporary witness: "30 years show- and tourbusiness in Germany - The 1970s, 80s und 90s from gig to gig - Adventures and experiences of a Hippie with the stars on tour!"
or "How does success work?!"
The story of a permanently successful "startup" without any investor from the "Höhle der Löwen" ;-)

Wolfgang Ficker     Contact

Bündnis für Augsburg

Since 2003 I am ambassador for the culture of Augsburg.

Bündnis für Augsburg www.buendnis.augsburg.de     Civic Engagement

- Award of the Municipal Merit Medal "FÜR AUGSBURG" 2008

Wolfgang Ficker - municipal merit medal FÜR AUGSBURG     Municipal Merit Medal "FÜR AUGSBURG"

- Project "Augsburger Kunsttunnel 2012 (2003)" Augsburg Future Price 2013

Wolfgang Ficker - Augsburger Kunsttunnel Pferseer Unterführung     Augsburger Kunsttunnel Pferseer Unterführung

- Project "Stadtillumination Augsburg" Augsburg Future Price 2008

Wolfgang Ficker - Cityillumination Augsburg www.stadtillumination.de     www.stadtillumination.de

Top Ranking

Since 2001 my new service for your individual, successful Internetperformance. Web-Sites with Top Ranking and optimal technique and art.

Top Ranking Deutschland top-ranking.lightmaster.de    top-ranking.lightmaster.de

Light Optics

Mastery and development of trade and creativity, intuition, imagination, inspiration lead to art.
Here you will find my projects as light artist:

Light Optics Light Art www.lightoptics.de    www.lightoptics.de

Augsburger Puppenkiste German Tour 1998/99
November 1999 - Successful end of tour

The "Augsburger Puppenkiste" is a 50 year old marionette-theater, cult in Germany. In more than 30 countries in TV. First on tour in Germany.
600 performances at 17 German major tows in 14 months, around 250 000 visitors.

Field of activity:
- Idea, design and construction of the mobile tour-stage
- Technical director of the stage production
- Sound-master-mix and light-master-mix for the two tour productions
   "Frau Holle" and "Aladin und die Wunderlampe"

1st German Tour Augsburger Puppenkiste 1998/99 - Augsburger PuppenkistenMobil    Augsburger PuppenkistenMobil

Our cooperation came to a successful end November 1999. I am not involved in tour-productions of the Augsburger Puppenkiste after November 1999.

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